Hello from across the web! Feel free to grab a piece of chocolate and curl up in a comfy chair to browse around the site! If you like what you see, drop me a line so we can grab a cup of coffee or tea together! Located in the foothills of Grass Valley, California, I am always ready to show off my beautiful town or grab my bags and come to you!
Growing up you kept almost everything. Ticket stubs, broken toys, letters, lots of little trinkets stored safely in a treasure box. These things were special to you because of the memories associated with them. You have now moved on from that stage and are no longer quite the pack rat, but what hasn't changed is your desire to capture and hold on to the special moments. Wait, were we talking about you or me? Because this is my story as well, and my love for photography stems from this passion. Things come and go, but pictures help you relive the memories time and time again!
If you're a creative wanting to meet or collaborate, feel free to contact me directly! lydia[at]lydiaphotography.com